Heavy Boots is a zine created to resist the right-wing agenda of violence, poverty and misery. 

We expect that truthful and necessary information will become harder to access on the internet. We have created this zine as a means to distribute physical prints of critical info. 

This zine is intended to be printed and distributed for free. It will not read well on screen because the pages are meant to be folded and nested. 

You can download issues as pdfs below to print and distribute and you can email them to others to print and distribute. 

To contribute ideas or content (art, writing, resources), email ushb [at] heavybootszine [dot] com . To subscribe, email ushb [at] heavybootszine [dot] com ... You will be sent each copy as a printable pdf.


1) Print double sided, b&w. Print a test copy before printing multiples. Print settings: If back sides print upside down try looking for the setting "flip on short edge"

2) Fold pages in half and nest one page inside the other. Check that pages are in order using the page numbers. Refold or re-nest if needed. 

3) If you can, staple along the fold. If you can't, the pages are ok just nested. 

4) Give zine to people who are down with the cause or who could use the information. Leave in public places. Give copies to community centers. Tape pages with critical info inside public bathroom stalls. 


Issue 1: We Are a Nation of Immigrants.  Contents:  For Citizens: how to help immigrant families; how to safely record raids and abuse. For Immigrants: Know your rights links to English and other languages; "Red cards" (explaining rights in native language and, in English to give to ICE agents, declaration wish to remain silent and refusal to sign anything) to copy and carry in 4 languages and links to printable ones in each of 16 different languages; Links to family preparedness plan (critical info for finding family members and access medication on the event of separation); Links to databases of free and low cost lawyers; For Teachers: How to protect immigrant students and families; how to protect yourself as an advocate working in a public school; For Employers: know your rights.

Issue 2